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Why your Facebook profile and your cell phone CAN’T SAVE you (… from social isolation)

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Is it symptomatic of our times? Do we just crave the next stimulation?! Are we technology adrenaline junkies??? Why AM I ASKING YOU ALL THESE QUESTIONS?

I just want to make you think. I read a book once called the Lonely American  by Dr. Olds & Dr. Shwartz  Image

Well, let me just get straight to the point: the more connected we THINK we are the less connected we FEEL we are.
Let me paint you a picture:

Scenario 1: You have your customized I phone 4G and your text message inbox is empty with no new messages.

Scenario 2: You’re on Facebook on you’re day off sitting in front of your screen at night. The blue light pours over you as you check your notifications, friend requests, and inbox messages… Nothing.

In the 20th century we have the luxury of conversation without being face to face. Which inevitably means: safety blanket. But, is a safety blanket really what we need? It’s tantamount to being DRUNK (okay that’s a bit of an exaggeration…), but it lowers our inhibitions because we aren’t face to face to deal with the repercussions of what we write.

This book helped illustrate A NUMBER of points for me, because I have felt that way MANY times before. Spending time by myself wondering why things weren’t changing, wondering why that the more time I spent on Facebook the less I felt close to old friends, and wondering why the amount of time I spent on these social outlets didn’t make me FEEL better. Just like in the book: you can’t

Let, me be the first to tell you.  You don’t need Facebook to make friends. You don’t need a cell phone to stay connected. What you need is face time. Not literally looking into someone else s face trying to decipher their thoughts like a crazy person. All it takes is that you make the sincere effort. You just need to show people the real you and not an “online you” and no matter how bad you may think your personality is you just may attract some true friends.
You make yourself who you want to be. We made technology it didn’t make us so Don’t let your technology define you!

You will realize that changing the way you see yourself, making the effort to be sociable, and being a good friend/son/spouse whatever will inevitably lead to a better outlook on life, and a more ENJOYABLE life.

SO not all gloom and doom today! I thank GOD I have my cell phone to text that cute girl I can’t WAIT to go on a date with next… Thank you cell phone & thank you cute girl.

Boys and girls: why can we never get it right?

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And this title is supposed to accurately cover thousands of years of male and female relationships?! Not hardly.

But, maybe I could shed some light on this situation. Call me a mediator between these two seemingly warring factions. My friends, who will remain name less, have had relationship issues as innumerable as the stars in the sky. I’m sure much of you, like myself, have stayed up late at night pondering just exactly what is going on through the other genders head… From deciphering such a simple text as “Heyy :]” to a like on a new facebook picture by that special person.

Here’s my list of things (that I’ve experienced) and is a huge hinderance for boys AND girls:
1. Fear of being hurt (Fear in general): We let ourselves believe we aren’t good enough, pretty enough, any NUMBER of things that inhibit us from taking a leap of faith and talking to that special person. Don’t let fear derail your car, because the biggest regret you can have is never trying.
2.  “Should I text him/her?” Well, let me go ahead and tell you this… If you’re in doubt text your special person. If they’re interested in you as well I am fairly certain they will answer you back in a way that will make you GLAD YOU TEXTED.
3. ” I don’t want to ruin the friendship…” If you are in doubt about this. I know this is a tough one, but again Believe in yourself. You are the king/queen of the world. You deserve nothing but the best. Talk to her/him about your feelings, and make sure the other person knows how you feel and discuss it. If they are your FRIEND they will understand how you feel. Give yourself a shot.

FEAR. The great enemy of love. It shuts us down before we have a chance.

I myself want to ask a girl out… She will remain nameless as well (as I write this with a big smile on my face). I am afraid to text her, because I don’t want to seem “too into her” and scare her off, but as a man I am a hunter and I have to man up. I am just like all of you: scared to be hurt, looking for love, and confused about what the other person wants.

The easiest way too find out is to ask. That way you can move on if the other person doesn’t feel the same way.  (I know you all are shaking your head on this one, but believe me its easier when the uncertainty is gone).

Well, This is it for my first post on the laborious task of figuring out how to love. I hope you at least learned a little bit. Or at least found what I wrote about interesting or having some similarity with your own life.

 Men please treat your women like princesses, because they make your castle a home. And women… treat your men like kings, because even kings fall from their throne every once in a while.

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Nintendo it up.

My Nintendo News

Earlier this year, Sony revealed their Super Smash Bros. clone – PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Ever since they were first leaked, the upcoming titles have been greatly praised by video game journalists. Game Zone recently made a list of five advantages that PlayStation Battle Royale has over Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Are Game Zone’s reasons, which are listed below, enough to prove that PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale will be better than than Super Smash Bros.?

1. More Unpredictability In The Backgrounds
2. Online Play Is Sure To Be Much More Convenient
3. No Cheap Ring Outs
4. Cross-Play Will Really Open Up Competitive Play On Both PS3 And Vita
5. We Won’t See The Next Super Smash Bros. For Some Time

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One thing Humans Never Fail At

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Beautiful Bones

In our own uniquely personalized lives we’ve experienced a variety of different emotions. Everything from: fear, courage, pride, shame, happiness, and sadness. With ALL these words thrown out like chump change in today’s world like so many nickels and dimes they have lost their flavor… Just like these words many things have let us down. There are many things we have failed at. We as a collective I mean (Your brother, your mother, aunt GiGi, Charlie Sheen).

But, like the news we tend to forget about the sheer beauty. I mean the truly wonderfully crafted works of art we are blessed to see every day. It is because of all of these NEGATIVES we forget the positives. I wanted to write to you today about the beauty I find in the little things. You may be switching from reading these words to the picture I posted above wondering why I posted this. I posted it because, well, I think this picture is beautiful. A seemingly childish answer I’m sure… That singular word beautiful has so much more of a meaning than those I listed above. If something is beautiful it is not enough to just look at it, write it, or speak the word. In my understanding when you FEEL beauty in your heart and mind you truly know what beautiful means.

This picture was taken by a wonderful young man whom it is my utmost pleasure to know. I don’t know too much about the circumstances in which this picture was taken, but after perusing the time monster that is Facebook, I happened upon this photograph. And I am so thankful thank he allowed me to use this picture. In my opinion a mixture of man (or women in this case) and nature is so perfectly intertwined. We could see these trees and these girls every day of our lives and never notice them, but this picture reminds me of just how beautiful life can be: a little makeup, the beauty of nature in its entirety, and two lovely young women. This idea was encapsulated into a picture by an artistic young man with a ‘beautiful’ mind.

One thing humans never fail at… is the creativity and the ingenuity of how to remind us just how beautiful life can be.

(Beauty is all around us. Its time we notice. Thank you for a little beauty Colton.)

The Definition of Beautiful



having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.

excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole; The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.

wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.


the concept of beauty (usually preceded by the ).

( used with a plural verb ) beautiful things or people collectively (usually preceded by the ): the good and the beautiful.

the ideal of beauty (usually preceded by the ): to strive to attain the beautiful.

Positive Quote for the day

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 “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about CREATING yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw

Colton Mountain Photography

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Lovely Bones (2)

Things that happen when you Google…

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My goodness… haha

dot, dot, dot

“You are the worst.”

1. The Google search suggestion “you are the worse.” Really?
2. This fanTASTIC Tumblr exchange:

3. An unexpected number of butt pictures.
4. Goth Harry Potter.
5. Uhm.

5. Uhm #2.

6. Smittens. I want one JUST to see the look on my dude’s face when I bring it home and pretend to be serious.

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